Thursday, January 29, 2009

When will India get its "Obama"?

As the world celebrated the coronation of Obama, I wondered how much of a difference will a change of guard in US affect or make a difference for India. Yes, there will certainly be some minor changes in the foreign policy especially with respect to the middle east, more significant changes in the Environmental policies (the phenomenon of global warming will probably get its due recognition finally), financial policy changes to bring relief to the million reeling under the onslaught of global meltdown and possibly a more concerted action against terrorism. Barring the last point, its unlikely that Obama's coming to power will impact India in a big way. India has to face and overcome its problems by itself for which we need a visionary leader like Obama who can rise above the petty politics followed by our politicians today and sincerely look at solving India's problems which brings me to the title "When will India find its Obama"

The present political class disheartens me. One upmanship, corruption, crime, casteism, vote bank politics, there any charge that has not been leveled against them? Do they look sincere in solving India's problems? Can they for once come together to do that? As the nation reels under the scourge of extreme poverty, over population, illiteracy, unemployment,unequal distribution of wealth, terrorism, anti-national groups within the country, lawlessness, rising crimes, depleting natural resources, water and power problems, shoddy infrastructure etc etc, the politicians are busy buying votes, indulging in games of one upmanship, calling each other names, diluting nation's interests and forging political relationships that are not based on idealogy but on the desire to bag power.
Inspite of all the words of sympathy and empathy spewn by the political classes in their speeches, do we believe for even one instance that the political class cares even a wee bit for the country, for its deprived people and the underpriviledged masses. No, the underlying theme for all of them is the same, the lust for holding on to the power, siphon money and compromise on the national interests. I am still waiting for the day when we get a leader and a visionary who can show his administrative prowness, implement the rule of law in the country and foster a spirit of country first within our people. Till then lets keep dreaming for our "Obama" to arrive.


Preeti said...

i can't agree more with you.. though we can't undermine the role every citizen has to play to bring about a change, an upright and honest leadership is indespensable if the effects are to be seen at the grassroot levels... glad u r writing again :)

Glowingdeeps said...

Thought Provoking..!!
Trust me I had the same thought "that when will India get someone like Obama" the day I heard him sworn in.. & like to believe that like me many of us are searching a Obama & wanting a Obama in INDIA.

The vicious Circle of our problems (well highlighted by you) are getting bigger & bigger & with every passing day it seems like even tough to get out of it....!

Sach... If only they stop filling their bank balances (which will last for their 7 generations or may be even 10) & think about INDIA!!! Alas....!